Đặc điểm nổi bật:
- Công nghệ căn chỉnh lõi tự động IPAAS (Image Pattern Analysis Alignment System)
- Suy hao mối hàn: SMF: 0.02dB, MMF: 0.01dB, DSF: 0.04dB, NZDSF: 0.04dB
- Tiết kiệm thời gian với 9 giây hàn, 26 giây co nhiệt
- Kích thước nhỏ gọn 138(W) x 160(L) x 135(H)
- Khả năng chống shock, chống thấm nước, chống bụi
- Pin dung lượng cao với 250 chu kỳ hàn và gia nhiệt liên tục 2
- Buồn gia nhiệt giúp tiết kiệm thời gian thao tác.
Thông số kỹ thuật:
Fiber alignment
IPAAS core to core alignment(Image pattern analysis alignment system)
Applicable type of fibers
SM(ITU-T G.652), MM(ITU-T G.651), DS(ITU-T G.653), NZDS(ITU-T G.655) EDFA, EI980, Splicing available with different type fiber(SM/MM), ITU-T G.657
Fiber count
Single fiber
Applicable fiber dimensions
Cladding diameter: 80 ~ 150㎛, Coating diameter: 100 ~ 1000㎛
Fiber setting and cleaved length
250㎛: 8~16mm, 900㎛: 16mm(Application Holder: 8mm)
Splicing modes
Splice mode: 100, Heat mode: 50
Typical Splice Loss
SMF: 0.02dB, MMF: 0.01dB, DSF: 0.04dB, NZDSF: 0.04dB
Return Loss
> 60dB
Splicing Time
Splice: Typical 9sec
Splice loss estimate
Sleeve heating time
30sec, 90sec(Connector)
Applicable protection sleeve
40mm, 60mm(fiber), 28mm or 32mm(connector)
Storage of splice result
The last 9,000 results to be stored in the internal memory.(Image 9,000 results)
Tension test
2N / 4,4N(Option)
Operating condition
Altitude: 0~5,000m above sea level, Temperature: -10℃~50℃, Humidity: 0~95%, Wind: 15m/s, non-condensing, dust proof, water proof, shock proof
Storage condition
Temperature: -40℃~80℃, Humidity: 0~95%
142(W) x163(L) x146(H)mm(Including rubber)
2.0kg(Including battery 2.5kg)
Viewing method and display
Two CMOS cameras and 4.3-inch color LCD monitor with touch screen
Fiber view and magnification
X or Y view: 300X, X and Y view: 300X, 187X (Zoom 700X)
Power supply
DC Lithium polymer battery(DC 14.8V, 6000mAh), 100~240V AC Adapter
No. of splice cycles with battery
Electrode life
More than 3,000 times
USB, RCA, External Power(DC 12V Available for car cigar jack)
Liên hệ: 0988588880
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